Correlation of clinical features and histopathological examination of ocular surface squamous neoplasia

Case Report

Author Details : P Ram Das, M M M Baig, Sara Sultana, Mohammed Ather*

Volume : 4, Issue : 4, Year : 2018

Article Page : 172-173

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Aim: To study correlation between clinical features and histopathological exam of ocular surface squamous neoplasia.
Materials and Methods: This is a Prospective interventional study conducted at the department of Oculoplasty of Sarojini Devi eye hospital between January 2012 to June 2013. 54 patients of freshly diagnosed OSSN were included in the study. Cases which were treated or had recurrence were excluded from the study. All the cases were examined by an experienced Ophthalmologist using Slit lamp, Snellen’s chart, Gonioscope and Direct Ophthalmoscope. Informed consent was obtained from all patients. After doing routine investigations like CBP, RBS, CT, BT, HIV, HbsAG patients were posted for excision biopsy of OSSN including 4mm of surrounding normal conjunctiva under local anaesthesia. Specimen was sent for Histopathological examination for diagnosis and margin clearance.
Results: Out of 54 cases 36 were males and 18 were females. 21 had dysplasia, 15 had carcinoma in situ, 18 had Squamous cell carcinoma. 33 cases had out door occupation and 21 had indoors occupation. 27 had nodular type, 15 had Leucoplakic type and 4 had diffuse type.
21 cases had corneal involvement. HPE grades 3 had mild dysplasia, 6 moderate dysplasia, 12 had severe dysplasia, 15 had carcinoma in situ, 18 had Squamous cell carcinoma. 15 cases were HIV positive and 39 cases were HIV negative.
Conclusion: Males out numbered females. Outdoor workers are more prone for OSSN. Nodular variety is commonest clinical type followed by Leucoplakic type and least common is diffuse type.

Keywords: OSSN, Dysplasia, Carcinoma in situ, Squamous cell carcinoma.

How to cite : Das P R, Baig M M M, Sultana S, Ather M, Correlation of clinical features and histopathological examination of ocular surface squamous neoplasia. IP Int J Ocul Oncol Oculoplasty 2018;4(4):172-173

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