Optic disc drusens mimicking papilloedema

Case Report

Author Details : Nishtha Yadav, Neeti Gupta, Amit Maitreya, Renu Dhasmana, Harsh Bahadur

Volume : 4, Issue : 2, Year : 2018

Article Page : 117-120


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Optic disc drusens and papilledema have similar fundus presentation, leading to confusion between the two.
Case Report: Here we present a case of 12 years old male who presented with complaints of headache since 1 year associated with nausea and vomiting and was misdiagnosed as papilledema.
Result: differentiating optic disc drusens from true optic disc edema is critically important, because optic disc edema mostly present as a life-threatening condition requiring urgent and costly ancillary testing, whereas optic disc drusens is often a benign process requiring only observation.
Conclusion: Swelling of the optic discs does not always mean raised intracranial pressure, hence other causes must be considered before concluding.

Keywords: Optic disc drusens, Papilloedema.

How to cite : Yadav N, Gupta N, Maitreya A, Dhasmana R, Bahadur H, Optic disc drusens mimicking papilloedema. IP Int J Ocul Oncol Oculoplasty 2018;4(2):117-120

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