Associated systemic and ocular anomalies in patients with congenital anophthalmos or microphthalmos

Original Article

Author Details : Manoj Tyagi, Praveen Khare, Meeta Shrivastava

Volume : 3, Issue : 4, Year : 2017

Article Page : 312-315

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Congenital anophthalmos and microphthalmos ere aree clinical conditions that results due to abnormalities in development of eye. These conditions may present unilaterally, bilaterally. A large number of these patients have associates systemic anomalies patients with unilateral anophthalmos and microphthalmos may present with congenital anomalies of the other eye.
Objective: To document systemic and ocular anomalies in patients with congenital anophthalmos and micriopphthalmos.
Materials and Methods: Retrospective study of documents of patients present tertiary care center in with congenital anophthalmos and microphthalmos from March 2014-2017. Associated ocular and systemic anomalies were assessed from their records.
Results: Total 42 patients were present during study period. There were 10 (24%) patients with anophthalmos and 32 (76%) were having microphthalmos. 27 were unilateral and 15 bilateral involved. 24 male and 18 female. mean age of presentation was 9 months. Systemic anomalies was identified in 28% and 66% of unilateral and bilateral anophthalmos. While in microphthalmos systemic involvement was 10% and 30%. Ocular involvement was 40% and 33% in anophthalmos and microphthalmos respectively.
Conclusion: Majority of patients with congenital anophthalmos and microipthamos have associated systemic and ocular anomalies. We suggest that all patients born with congenital anophthalmos and micropthlamos need complelte ophthlamic ans systemic examination.

Keywords: Anophthaloms, Microphthalmos, Ocular anomalies, Systemic anomalies.


How to cite : Tyagi M, Khare P, Shrivastava M, Associated systemic and ocular anomalies in patients with congenital anophthalmos or microphthalmos. IP Int J Ocul Oncol Oculoplasty 2017;3(4):312-315

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