Conjunctival growth masquerading as melanoma: A case report

Case Report

Author Details : Anju Kochar, Rekha Kumari Gayal, Rashmi Joshi

Volume : 3, Issue : 3, Year : 2017

Article Page : 239-241

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We report a rare case of seventy year old female presenting in the Department of Ophthalmology after referral by her local doctor complaining of a brownish mass in left eye since ten months, which was gradually increasing in size. She noticed rapid increase in size over last two months. On examination a brownish mass was present over limbus covering one fourth cornea of nasal side extending on nasal sclera also. The growth could be divided into two parts, upper part darkly pigmented brown in colour and lower part was white in colour, gelatinous with irregular borders and uneven surface with feeder vessels. Provisional diagnosis of conjunctival melanoma was made on basis of clinical suspicion but on HPE it turned out to be a benign lesion.

Keywords: Conjunctival melanoma, Masquerading, Histopathological examination

How to cite : Kochar A, Gayal R K, Joshi R, Conjunctival growth masquerading as melanoma: A case report. IP Int J Ocul Oncol Oculoplasty 2017;3(3):239-241

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