Evaluation of etiopathogenesis of proptosis

Original Article

Author Details : Mohammed Ather, Navneeth Servey, Rahmathunissa, T. Sai Shreya, Pallavi Gupta, S. Saudamini, Mohammed

Volume : 2, Issue : 3, Year : 2016

Article Page : 181-185

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Aim: To study etiopathogenesis of Proptosis by clinical evaluation and confirming it by histopathological examination.
Materials and Methods: This is a prospective, interventional study carried out on 200 patients of proptosis attending Department of Oculoplasty and Orbital Disorders, of Sarojini Devi Eye Hospital, Hyderabad, which is attached to Gandhi Medical College. The study was conducted during the period of August 2011 to September 2013. All cases of proptosis which presented to our eye Hospital during the study period were included in study. The cases of proptosis that treated elsewhere were excluded from the study. All cases included were clinically evaluated using slit lamp, Hertel’s exophthalmometer, direct and indirect Ophthalmoscopy. Basic surgical profile was ordered in all cases who were suppose to undergo surgical intervention. Radiologically cases were evaluated by B scan ultrsonography, CT scan and / or MRI. In endocrine causes of proptosis T3, T4 and TSH was estimated Cases were subjected to orbitotomy to do incisional or excisional biopsy. Specimen were send for histopathological examination to come to final diagnosis. The cases of proptosis which require medical management were started on requisite medical treatment after confirming diagnosis.
Results: Out of 200 cases 108 (54%) were males and 92 (46%) were females. 176 (88%) of the cases had unilateral proptosis and 24 (12%) had bilateral proptosis. 112 (56%) cases had axial proptosis and 88 (44%) had eccentric proptosis. Out of 200 cases, 148 cases (74%) had chronic onset, 40 cases (20%) had subacute onset and 12 cases (6%) had acute onset of presentation. Etiology varied from infection, Inflammatory conditions like TRO, NSOIS, benign neoplasias like Hemangiomas, Dermoid, Pleomorphic adenoma of lacrimal gland to malignant neoploasias like Lymphomas, Retinoblastoma, Rhabdomyosarcoma and miscellaneous condition like Carotico cavernous fistulas.

Keywords: Axial, CT scan, Eccentric, HPE(Histopathological exam), IHC Immuno histo chemistry), Proptosis

How to cite : Ather M, Servey N, Rahmathunissa, Shreya T S, Gupta P, Saudamini S, Mohammed, Evaluation of etiopathogenesis of proptosis. IP Int J Ocul Oncol Oculoplasty 2016;2(3):181-185

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