Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 9, Issue : 2, Year : 2023
Article Page : 87-90
Granular cell tumor (GCT) is a rare benign soft tissue tumor. They have been reported in several regions of the body but mostly in the skin and subcutaneous tissue of head and neck. It may involve the orbit, periocular skin, lacrimal sac, optic nerve, ciliary body, conjunctiva and caruncle. Here we present a rare case of intraconal GCT in a 45 year old woman who presented with unilateral proptosis. She presented with forward protrusion of right eye for the past 3 months,MRI orbit revealed a well defined T1/T2/FLAIR hypointense lesion in the inferolateral aspect of intraconal compartment of right orbit. Transconjunctival excision of the lesion was done. Histopathological Examination (HPE) and immunohistochemistry confirmed the diagnosis of Granular cell Tumor.
Keywords: Granular cell tumor, Benign tumor, S 100 positivity CD 68 positivity
How to cite : Raman M, Alagusundaram A, Athiaman K, Granular cell tumor: A rare presentation as intraconal orbital space occupying lesion. IP Int J Ocul Oncol Oculoplasty 2023;9(2):87-90
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Received : 16-05-2023
Accepted : 15-06-2023
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