Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 8, Issue : 4, Year : 2022
Article Page : 247-254
Aim: To analyze accuracy in clinical diagnosis of peri-ocular benign lesions.
Materials and Methods: A prospective, interventional study of 279 clinically diagnosed and or histo-pathologically confirmed eyelid mass lesions. At presentation, detailed demographic data, symptoms, duration since the mass noted, it’s location, size & physical appearance, progression/regression/recurrence of the lid mass if any and associated systemic ailments were noted. Then, a pre-treatment clinical diagnosis (PTCD) was made. The treatment given, its outcome and histo-pathological examination (HPE) report were noted. Results then analysed in terms of how many cases needed HPE and in how many did PTCD match with HPE reports.
Results: Commonest lesions were of infective type (64.5%) followed by cysts and neoplastic which together contributed for 26.9% cases and others like congenital, traumatic, depositive etc., contributed for 8.6%. Totally, 25.8% sent for HPE; 94.4% did match with PTCD.
Conclusion: Accuracy in clinical diagnosis is good with a thorough understanding of physical characteristics of lid mass lesions. Studies on a large scale would be extremely beneficial for the practicing ophthalmologists and the training residents and also for public health-care planning.
Keywords: Eyelid, Histo-pathological
How to cite : Shashikala P, Shetty S D, Accuracy in clinical diagnosis of benign peri-ocular mass lesions. IP Int J Ocul Oncol Oculoplasty 2022;8(4):247-254
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Received : 10-10-2022
Accepted : 08-11-2022
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