Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 8, Issue : 3, Year : 2022
Article Page : 210-217
Purpose: To evaluate ocular problems, major symptoms and their associations among Video Display Terminal users.
Materials and Methods: 100 subjects as cases and 100 subjects as controls were taken. Cases worked on computer for minimum of two hours per day while persons using computers for less than two hours a day were considered for Control group.
Results: The difference in positive fusional vergence, near point of convergence and amplitude of accommodation between two study groups was statistically significant. Dry eye was significant manifestation among cases. Three most commonly reported symptoms were Blurred vision (96 %), tired eyes (93 %) and Headache (86 %).
Conclusion: Most of VDT users has abnormalities associated with accommodation and vergence dysfunctions. Dry eye is a significant factor associated with use of VDTs causing ocular discomfort. Duration of VDT use is directly related to the severity of the symptoms due to VDT use.
Keywords: VDT, Asthenopic symptoms, Dry eye
How to cite : Damor K G, Chakravorty S, Radadiya H, Sapre A, Visual problems among video display terminal (VDT) users. IP Int J Ocul Oncol Oculoplasty 2022;8(3):210-217
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Received : 07-10-2022
Accepted : 15-10-2022
Viewed: 1091
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