Custom Ocular Prosthesis Fitting Following Evisceration: Staphyloma Vs. Non-staphyloma cases

Author Details : Deepa Diddi Raizada, Kuldeep Raizada

Volume : 2, Issue : , Year : 2016

Article Page : 77-82

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Purpose: To assess and compare the prosthetic eye fitting in the patients undergoing evisceration with implant in staphyloma vs. non-staphyloma cases.
Methods: It was a retrospective, comparative and interventional study. Patients who underwent evisceration with silicone orbital implant placement, and fitted with custom ocular prosthesis between August 2006 and April 2007 were included. Based on the indication for surgery, the patients were grouped under staphyloma and other conditions. Eyelid and socket abnormalities, and additional modifications undertaken to correct these abnormalities during fabrication of custom prosthesis were assessed, and compared between the two groups. Independent samples T-test was used for statistical analysis.
Results: In the staphyloma group, 9 of 16 (56.3%) had ptosis (6), eyelid retraction (2), and deep superior sulcus (1) needing prosthesis modification. In contrast, the patients who underwent evisceration for other conditions, only 2 of 27 (7.4%) required modifications for lid sag. Statistical analysis showed significantly greater number of patients needed modifications in staphyloma group as compared to non-staphyloma group (P=0.001).
Implant size, and duration between the date of surgery and the prosthesis fitting were compared between two groups, which showed no statistically significant difference (P=0.096 and P=0.108 respectively).
Conclusion: The patients with staphyloma undergoing evisceration with implant can have cosmetically concerning eyelid abnormalities, most commonly ptosis that may need attention during fabrication of the prosthetic eye. These eyelid abnormalities could be due to long standing effect of staphyloma, possibly due to levator disinsertion, dehiscence or stretching; or due to insufficient volume replacement by an orbital implant


How to cite : Raizada D D, Raizada K, Custom Ocular Prosthesis Fitting Following Evisceration: Staphyloma Vs. Non-staphyloma cases. IP Int J Ocul Oncol Oculoplasty 2016;2():77-82

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