Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 8, Issue : 2, Year : 2022
Article Page : 136-140
Purpose: To assess the posterior segment findings in cases presenting with post covid mucormycosis.
Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional observational study was conducted on patients presented with post-covid mucormycosis who were admitted in our hospital during the time period from 1/5/2021 to 1/9/2021. Our study included cases with and without orbital involvement. Anterior segment examination and fundus examination using indirect ophthalmoscopy was done. Findings were photo documented with fundus camera.
Results : In a cohort of 248 patients, 183 (73.7%) were males and 65 (26.2%) were females. 210 (84.67%) were diabetics. The mean age was 50.00 +/-12.33 years. A total of 480 eyes were evaluated, out of which 151 (31.45%) had orbital involvement. Of these 151, 65 had normal fundus, 26 (17.21%) had diabetic retinopathy, 22 had CRAO, 12 had disc pallor, 10 had disc edema and 16 had miscellaneous changes. Out of 329 uninvolved eyes, 239 had normal fundus, 53 (16.10%) had diabetic retinopathy. There was no statistically significant difference between the prevalence of diabetic retinopathy in eyes with orbital involvement and without orbital involvement (p=.39).
Conclusion: One-third of the patients with post-covid mucormycosis had retinal findings. These are related to direct disease manifestation as well as underlying co-morbidities.
Keywords: Mucormycosis, Fundus, Post covid, Orbit
How to cite : Shams Z, Kumari C S, Mutt M S B, Bharathi N, Khanapur M M, Posterior segment findings in post-Covid mucormycosis: A cross-sectional study. IP Int J Ocul Oncol Oculoplasty 2022;8(2):136-140
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Received : 14-04-2022
Accepted : 12-06-2022
Viewed: 1643
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