Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 8, Issue : 1, Year : 2022
Article Page : 56-60
Aim: To study the incidence of eyelid tumours pertaining to age, sex, lid, globe or orbital involvement and analyse the various aspects of treatment modalities and their functional and cosmetic outcome.
Materials and Methods: A prospective study of 40 cases of eyelid tumours over a period of 1 year, both benign and malignant eyelid lesions were included and those with inflammatory lesions were excluded. Patients were evaluated and treated with appropriate modalities and the outcome was analysed.
Results: Malignant tumours were common in the age group between 60-85 years and benign tumours were common in the age group of 30-45 years. Benign tumours were more common among males and malignant tumours more common among females. Out of the 40 cases, 28 (70 %) eyelid lesions were benign and 12 (30%) cases were malignant. Benign tumours were found more commonly in the upper lid and malignant tumours in lower lid. Squamous papilloma was found to be the most common benign tumour, followed by pyogenic granuloma. Meibomian carcinomais the most common malignant tumour. Most common presentation of malignant eyelid tumour was ulcerative growth pattern. Meibomian carcinoma presented in the form of nodule and ulcerative growth pattern. The treatment for most of the benign tumour was simple excision and malignant tumour was wide local excision with 4-5 mm margin clearance. Glabellar rotation flap was performed in one case of meibomian carcinoma involving the medial aspect of lower lid after excision. Hughes tarso-conjunctival flap was performed in two cases of squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma, after tumour excision as the defect involved more than 75% of the lower lid without involvement of canthus. Two cases one each of sebaceous carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma involving the lateral aspect of lower lid was reconstructed after excision, with Tenzel flap. In one case of sebaceous gland carcinoma with diffuse involvement of the upper lid the was excised and reconstructed with Cutler-Beard technique.
Conclusion: Histopathologic examination of all excised lesion must be done as an innocuous looking lesion might be malignant. Early clinical suspicion of malignancy and confirmation by incisional biopsy will aid in planning wide excision and appropriate method of lid reconstruction depending on the amount of lid loss. After wide excision of malignant tumour appropriate lid reconstruction technique is done as a primary procedure in all our patients and we could obtain good outcomes with no recurrences. Advanced tumours with orbital involvement and recurrent tumour need adjuvant chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
Keywords: Lid tumours, Squamous Papilloma, Sebaceous gland carcinoma, Tenzel Flap, CutlerBeard technique
How to cite : Malarvizhi R, Anuradha A, Kst L , Kumar N K S, A clinical study on prevalence and management of eyelid tumours – A prospective observational study. IP Int J Ocul Oncol Oculoplasty 2022;8(1):56-60
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Received : 12-01-2022
Accepted : 02-02-2022
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