Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 5, Issue : 4, Year : 2019
Article Page : 171-175
Introduction: The study was conducted with the objective to compare the visual acuity and astigmatism
before and after pterygium operation using diamond Burr.
Materials and Methods: This study was conducted as prospective follow up study on patients with
primary pterygium inducing visually significant astigmatism. Visual acuity, K reading, astigmatism were
recorded before surgery and at 1week, 6 week and 12 week following surgery whereas corneal clarity was
assessed post operatively. The pterygium remnant tissue over cornea was polished using a Diamond Burr.
Result: Mean age of patients was 46.88 10.61 years. The study was comprised of 77.1% females.
Mean BCVA (LogMAR) preoperatively was 0.260.19 whereas that at 12th week was 0.120.08 and the
improvement was statistically significant. The mean astigmatism also reduced significantly (p<0>
a significant improvement in K average and corneal clarity at various follow up was observed (p<0>
Conclusion: Pterygium surgery with diamond burr application for corneal smoothing, significantly
improves the visual acuity, corneal keratometry and pterygium induced astigmatism.
Keywords: Diamond Burr, Visual acuity, Pterygium, Keratometry.
How to cite : Shastry K P, Sharma N, Singh D, Singh P, Kumar K , Preoperative and postoperative evaluation of corneal astigmatism after pterygium operation using diamond Burr. IP Int J Ocul Oncol Oculoplasty 2019;5(4):171-175
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