Bilateral episodic rise of intraocular pressure : A case of pigment dispersion syndrome

  • Arti Singh,*  
  • upasna Singh,  
  • Srishti Nagarajan


A 28-year-old male patient presented to our hospital with chief complaints of on and off episodes of coloured halos and blurring of vision in both eyes for 2 years. His best corrected visual acuity in each eye was 6/9 P. On slit lamp examination diffuse corneal oedema was present. Tablet acetazolamide was prescribed, and patient was followed on next day. Mild corneal edema with 26 mm of Hg IOP was noted. Krukenberg’s spindle was seen in both eyes. Upon dilatation, a Zentmayer’s ring or Scheie stripe was noted. Fundoscopy revealed cup disc ratio 0.8 and 0.7 in right and left eye respectively. Gonioscopy examination revealed concave configuration or posteriorly bowing of iris, hyperpigmented trabecular meshwork and Sampaolesi line in both eyes. A diagnosis of bilateral pigmentary glaucoma was entertained, and Bimatoprost (0.01%) eye drops once in a day in both eyes was started. There was a significant improvement in corneal edema and the IOP was 16mmHg in both eyes.


intraocular pressure,Zentmayer's ring, Scheie stripe,Krukenberg spindle ,pigment dispersion syndrome

Ahead of Print Date : 2024-04-04